Barnstable, Massachusetts Speed Traps

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Prior to Rest area between Exit 6 & 7 East Bound

Barnstable, MassachusettsJan 25, 20130 Comments

There is a small dirt pull off about 1/2 mile prior to the well known speed trap in the rest area on the right side.
The Trooper usually pulls in parallel to the highway behind a large clump of shrubbery. It is very difficult to see as it is on a slight incline and curve. They use LIDAR there so it is very accurate. If there is a Trooper there, usually there isn’t a trap at the rest area at the same time.
Average time of use for this area as a trap is between 7am and 930 am most weekdays.

US Highway 6 near Exit Number 6 and 7

Barnstable, MassachusettsApr 18, 20060 Comments

State Police radar trap is set up at the rest area between Exit 6 and 7, heading East on the Mid-Cape Highway, Rt US 6.

there is a long straightaway, then a slow turn to the left – the radar is set topick up cars as they come around the long curce…speed limit is 55mph, traffic is usually 65+. I go past this very frequently. traveling at 65mph or slower, I’ve not been stopped. faster traffic is routinely stopped.
esp active during Spring, summer and Fall, during tourist season…

Rest Area Next To Rotue 6

Barnstable, MassachusettsNov 13, 20030 Comments

One or two troopers are always having speed traps at the Barnstable Rest Area between exits 6 and 7.

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