Methuen, Massachusetts Speed Traps
Milk Street
Most commonly, the cop is sitting in a driveway towards the beginning of the street (near the loop.) The house is directly before the huge field… Can’t see it coming from the loop, but the driveway is completely visible from the opposite direction.
Woodland Street near Elm Street
Cruiser parks in a driveway on the left hand side of Woodland St. as you are coming up from the cemeteries. By the time you see him its too late
State Route 110 near Motel 110
Unmarked and marked, both State and Local PD are always there. State PD Truck Team is there the most. Right in the parking lot of Motel 110
State Route 213 near Loop Exit-Westbound
Very often: 2 State Police cruisers, (Crown Vic), hiding under overpass @ Loop exit, on Rte 213 westbound.
State Highway 110 near Lowell Street
A stealth black Crown Vic has been nailing motorists for speeding and illegal passing at the lights before the Nation Guard armory. There’s a brief passing lane at the light where motorists can pass the slowpokes, and they’ve been nailing people left-and-right for the past couple months…