Ann Arbor, Michigan Speed Traps

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Washtenaw near Stadium [heading into Ann Arbor]

Ann Arbor, MichiganMay 31, 20031 Comments

It’s when travelling Washtenaw into Ann Arbor from Ypsilanti, after you veer off to the right, and stay on Wastenaw, past the fork where Stadium begins. When you go up the hill past the church [at the fork in the road]. they sit on the left side of the road in a parking lane. Just after you crest up the hill, they WILL nab you. Speed limit is 35, but it should be more like 45-50. Seems to be more enforced in the mornings, but I’ve seen them there all times of the day.

Washtenaw near Hill

Ann Arbor, MichiganMay 31, 20031 Comments

When coming into Ann Arbor on Washtenaw, they will sit at the bottom of a hill, on Cambridge Street, facing northwest-bound traffic, heading into Ann Arbor. Speed limit is 30, but should moreso be like 40. Slow down when approaching, after you pass the church on the right side of the road [on the corner of Wayne and Washtenaw]. As soon as you go over that crest, they’ll be gunning for you, facing up the hill.

M-14 near Barton Dr. exit

Ann Arbor, MichiganJan 22, 20031 Comments

Cops usually work with a pair of hardly marked, dark blue sedans, running Ka-band radar. Ann Arbor cops’ favorite spot is eastbound on M-14 as Barton Dr. exit is approached, just as speed limit has dropped from 70 to 55 MPH. Cop cars like to park close to concrete median, barely visible until usually too late to slow down. Be aware they can catch you in both directions, since run Ka radar, front and back antennas. Most likely will be operated morning rush hour to about noon, although expect just about any time of day. Ann Arbor is a notorious speed trap town, drained of funds, and the cops are tax collectors, instead of using the police to keep businesses and neighborhoods safer from crime.

State Street

Ann Arbor, MichiganNov 06, 20020 Comments

The cops sit at the Auto dealers on on the east side of State Street 1 mile north of I-94. The road narrows from 4 lanes to 2 lanes and the posted speed limit is 35 MPH. They nail northbound traffic. Sunday morning at 9 AM is the most frequent time for this trap,

Main Street by Pioneer High School

Ann Arbor, MichiganNov 06, 20020 Comments

THe cops hide by the golf course accross from Pioneer High, just south of the stadium. The speed limit is 35 but should be 45 to 50 since there are no homes or businesses.

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