Birch Run, Michigan Speed Traps

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Interstate I-75 near Birch Run Road

Birch Run, MichiganJan 18, 20060 Comments

According to the best available information this Speed Trap goes from Birch Run to Vienna Township where there are Cops frequenting around waiting to pull over Speeders on I-75

Entire Village including Outlet Mall

Birch Run, MichiganJun 25, 20020 Comments

The Birch Run Thugs are in full force! Beware and bring a camera and tape recorder,they like picking on kids,window tint,vehicle appearance,better drive 3 mph under limit just to avoid being stared at or followed by officer,they have nothing better to do in the village,the true "North Waldo" of Michigan
BRPD drive through mall and village all day long and pull people over for no good reason,25 mph limit through town is a joke,and nothing but a "Cash Cow" for this money hungry village,and wear your seat belts especially at the Outlet Mall where the BRPD loves to show off for the out of town shoppers. HAPPY MOTORING!

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