Charlotte, Michigan Speed Traps

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Cochran (M50) by traffic lights

Charlotte, MichiganSep 03, 20150 Comments

Cops wait on side streets with instant on radar.

State st./ across from high school

Charlotte, MichiganJul 31, 20030 Comments

The police park across the street from the high school in a little restaurant parking lot by some shrubs, usually in the morning and the evening looking for speeders and traffic from the school and a bar down the street.

Packard/Lansing Intersection

Charlotte, MichiganDec 01, 20010 Comments

City/Sheriff’s usually sit in the median around the packard/lansing intersection. They are looking for people who are turning left on packard but they won’t hesitate to pull over a speeder.

I-69 Northbound heading into Charlotte

Charlotte, MichiganDec 01, 20010 Comments

When you are on I-69 heading north entering Charlotte be careful. I live on Tubbs Rd. which runs paralell with I-69. I see State cops pull many people over right infront of my house. They usually hide in one of those restricted turnarounds in between some trees. Usually it is late in the day/night.

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