Dearborn, Michigan Speed Traps

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Ford Road near Evergreen Street

Dearborn, MichiganFeb 27, 20060 Comments

dearborn police sit on the evergreen bridge with laser shooting cars going east while other police cars wait to ticket the speeders between evergreen and artesian.the speed limit is 50

Ford Road near Evergreen Road

Dearborn, MichiganDec 23, 20050 Comments

a cop sits on a lawn chair on the evergreen bridge over ford rd and radars cars as the go by. Then radios ahead to get the otehr cops to stop them.

Cherry Hill West Drive

Dearborn, MichiganMay 13, 20050 Comments

This little section of street for at least a little bit is completely patrolled by cops all the time. It’s residential so there are houses on both sides, thus the speed is 25mph. Unfortunately the smooth road and unpopulated streets at night make it terribly hard to stay going 25 or even 30. Most people I know run the risk and go at least 40. You are a real easy target especially when u cross past Telagraph Road.

N. Commerce Drive near Greenfield/Rotunda Road

Dearborn, MichiganApr 14, 20050 Comments

N. Commerce is an industrial complex road…there are many driveways from unoccupied bussness’ and side streets…i have seen officers parked in many differant drives off the road and have been stopped by them…this is an easy mark for them as there is much traffic down this road…i believe the limit is 25mph…it is not residencial nor are there any schools nearby…there is many places to hide down here so be careful

US Highway 24 telegraph road near Ford Road

Dearborn, MichiganApr 13, 20050 Comments

On the turn off spur that connect’s Telegraph southbound to Ford road West. The patrol car sits in the bank parking lot and waits for you do roll through the stop sign at Ford. It’s a total blind spot for the driver because you cannot see the patrol car until your already past it. I see atleast 5 to 6 cars a week pulled over at this spot…

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