Dundee, Michigan Speed Traps

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Dundee, MichiganAug 28, 20140 Comments

Local police in median. Exit 13 to mile marker 19

US-23 from Dundee to Ohio line

Dundee, MichiganMay 06, 20110 Comments

On US-23 from Dundee (exit 17) to the Ohio line

on US23 between exits 14 and 17

Dundee, MichiganJan 10, 20110 Comments

The Village of Dundee recently formed a village police department and blatantly funds the police force through issuing speeding tickets on US23. They normally hide behind the overpass and cannot be seen until you pass them. I live in Dundee and see them out there daily.

Ann Arbor Road near Exit Number US 23 near exit 17

Dundee, MichiganJan 22, 20060 Comments

Ann Arbor Road south from Cone Road to M-50 is rural and is not posted for speed, but tickets are given for exceeding 45 MPH. Most drivers seem to driving 60 MPH

US Highway 23

Dundee, MichiganMar 28, 20051 Comments

For 2 miles each way from the main Dundee exit (Exit 17) on US 23, both local and state cops are known to sit concealed behind shrubbery in the median and bhind other structures. You can’t see them until you have passed them. by them it’s too late.

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