Grand Rapids, Michigan Speed Traps

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Walker Avenue near Leonard Avenue

Grand Rapids, MichiganApr 20, 20060 Comments

Walker Ave. south of Leonard Ave. makes a gentle curve. City police, with radar park about 1/2 way around the curve checking speed with radar. The speed limit is 25 mph and many motorists, especially those traveling south from Leonard St. move along at 35+ mph down the very gentle slope of the roadway. Tickets aplenty are written.

Interstate 131 near 52nd Street Bridge

Grand Rapids, MichiganMar 28, 20060 Comments

The most common place to see the police on 131 is hiding behind the 52nd street bridge (local Kentwood boys or State Troopers) or just after the limit drops from 70 to 55 when you cross 28th street heading into the city. In fairness, they seem to be pretty tolerant as long as you keep it within 10 mph over the limit.

Forest Hills Road near Cascade Road

Grand Rapids, MichiganDec 14, 20050 Comments

There is usually a police officer on Forest Hills between Cascade Rd and Burton. He is usually around the middle school area. There are alot of trees and bends in the road so you cant really see him when your driving him, until you pass him and thats where he gets you.

Oakleigh Street near Lake Michigan Drive M-45 Road

Grand Rapids, MichiganJul 07, 20050 Comments

This speed trap is located on Oakleigh st. between Lake Michigan Drive and 7th street. The Grand Rapids Police sit on Burritt st. which is located on west side of Oakleigh. Most of the time either running instant on k or ka band radar. Sometimes will fool you by sitting just south of Burritt on east side of road on dirt patch. This is covered by a bunch of trees so beware!

State Highway 6

Grand Rapids, MichiganJun 08, 20050 Comments

Not a trap, really, but the Post 61 State Troops have been camping out on M-6 ever since it opened a little while ago. I would say around Ivanrest seems to be the heaviest enforcement area.

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