Green Oak Township, Michigan Speed Traps

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State Park Road near Kensington Road

Green Oak Township, MichiganApr 21, 20070 Comments

The 5 mile State Park Road inside Island Lake Recreation Area, has a speed limit of 25mph. Green Oak Twp. Police will sit at the entrance to Riverbend parking lot, just west of Trailhead Road. This is at the bottom of a hill! On hot summer days, I’ve seen them pull over beach goers heading west to Spring Mill Pond. They can be seen almost every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday between April and September from 1PM till 6PM. The small Township of Green Oak wants your out-of-town money…good luck with the Livinston Co. court in Brighton, they support this trap!

Eastshore Drive near McNally Road

Green Oak Township, MichiganSep 25, 20061 Comments

Green Oak Twp Police have been hitting this area a lot lately. They pull off the side of the road under some low lying tree branches. They’re very hard to see until you’re right on top of them.

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