Harbor Springs, Michigan Speed Traps

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State St. just off Lake Rd. headed North…

Harbor Springs, MichiganJan 11, 20110 Comments

Speed limit is 25, but increases to 45 not too far from intersection; local policemen sit in fire hall parking lot, on right side of road just past Middle School…keep it at 25 or they’ll come after you!

Pleasantview Road at Stutsmanville Road

Harbor Springs, MichiganApr 07, 20100 Comments

They sit in the parking lot of the old school house on the northwest corner of Stutsmanville Road and Pleasantview Road. Generally facing to the south hidden from view by the series of small hills to the south of Stutsmanville Road. However, if you’re coming from the north and are traveling too fast around curve about a quarter mile to the north of them, you fall right into their lap. Either way, by the time you see them, it’s too late.

Pleasantview Road between M-119 and Quick Road

Harbor Springs, MichiganApr 07, 20100 Comments

There are several spots where they will park in this area. I believe their main objective is to catch "Poorly Secured Loads" heading to the transfer station about a quarter mile north of Hedrick Road/Hathaway Road. However, the hills in the area make it easy pickins for them to catch speeders as well.

Lake Street near US Highway 119

Harbor Springs, MichiganOct 20, 20070 Comments

25 Miles an hour zone if your over i mile they will stop you

Pleasantview Road

Harbor Springs, MichiganDec 04, 20030 Comments

Emmet Co. Police like to hide over hills and around bends. A few hot spots are by the Country Club of Boyne and by Nub’s Nob. They like to nail summer tourists but also patrol in the winter

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