Haslett, Michigan Speed Traps

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On Marsh road at the Ingham Clinton border

Haslett, MichiganJul 17, 20100 Comments

Sitting back in some pine trees on the east side of Marsh, 2 motorcycle cops. Usually one is Meridian and the other cop is Bath so which ever direction, they can chase you into their own jurisdiction. Also, sometimes when there is just one motorcycle in the trees, a cruiser will be waiting at Coleman and the bike cop will radio ahead to him. It’s bad because if you don’t ride your brake going down the hill, your car will speed on its own.

Haslett Road near Okemos Road

Haslett, MichiganJul 14, 20081 Comments

On Haslett Road, heading from Okemos Rd toward Marsh Road, the speed limit drops from 55 to 35 as you approach the shopping centers at the four corners. Four lane road encourages higher speeds but the police watch for speeders in the 35mph zone.

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