Kalamazoo, Michigan Speed Traps

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Nichols Rd near Ellamarie Dr

Kalamazoo, MichiganJul 27, 20150 Comments

Near King-Westwood Elementary School. Kalamazoo Charter Township / City of Parchment Police. Laser. 35 mph zone.

on East Main From Humprey all the way down to E Michigan.

Kalamazoo, MichiganJul 15, 20120 Comments

They usually park right where the Laundromat used to be or down the hill where Dairy Queen used to be.

Stadium Dr. eastbound between Drake Road and Howard Street

Kalamazoo, MichiganSep 05, 20110 Comments

I drive this route to school many times and multiple times there have been cops sitting in driveways near the Buffalo Wild Wings on the south side of the street shooting radar. The road is a 40 and most people are going over 50. My friend was pulled over for going 45 and got a $300 ticket.

Croyden Dr west at Maple Hill drive

Kalamazoo, MichiganMar 31, 20110 Comments

Officer points east from Rose Arbor Hospice. You come over the hill going west. Speed limit is 25 and 35 is real easy.

West KL Ave. & 9th Street

Kalamazoo, MichiganFeb 19, 20110 Comments

Just east of this intersection on the drive leading up to SolSpring spa (On West KL). I have seen Kalamazoo County Troopers there a couple of times watching the intersection and clocking people going through it.

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