Keego Harbor, Michigan Speed Traps

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Cass Lake Road near Orchard Lake Road

Keego Harbor, MichiganJan 03, 20080 Comments

This speed trap involves a school zone that is posted in the usual way on the northbound side of Cass Lake Road. On the southbound side, however, there are no postings whatsoever. There are no signs at all stating that there is a school zone ahead. Yes, ticket are given out and people probably don’t even know that they have been had. I have been driving south on this road for over 30 years and never knew that there were no school zone signs!

Telegraph Road near Voorheis Road

Keego Harbor, MichiganJan 27, 20070 Comments

As you are driving North on Telegraph the speed (for no reason) drops to 40mph from 50mph. The cop usually sits in the parking lot of the business near the mobil gas station . This is about 1/2 mile South of Voorheis Rd. It doesn’t take the cop long to find a speeder as people normally do 50 through here. They usually just leave the radar unit on so you can pick it up ahead of time instead of using instant on.

Cass Lake Road near Santia Hall / Ginos parking lot

Keego Harbor, MichiganMar 31, 20060 Comments

Sits in the banquet parking lot – shooting +5 mph – Behind Ginos Pizza located on Cass Lake road

Orchard Lake Road near U.S. Highway 24 TelegraphRd.

Keego Harbor, MichiganMar 22, 20060 Comments

As you go West on Orchard Lake Rd. from Telegraph you run a 35 mph gauntlet of the three small communites of Sylvan Lake, Keego Harbor and Orchard Lake each aggressively writng speedng tickets and anything else they can. These three cities provide the majority of their city budget by writing speeding tickets. Do not exceed 40 mph!

all of keego

Keego Harbor, MichiganJul 23, 20020 Comments

basically keego likes to harass anyone they can i have been pulled over for tinted windows and tailights. going down cass lake road the speed limit is 25 the cops love to sit down the neighborhood streets and tag any car goin 27mph they accused my step dad of rolling through a stop sign in front of the PD with an officer behind him. he took pics of the stop sign and the surrounding area as well as had witnesses reports from 6 people that were watching this sceen unfold. thanks to these he was able to get out of it. my advice drive through keego as you would if you were still in drivers training.

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