Manchester, Michigan Speed Traps

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State Highway M-52 near State Highway M-52, Austin Road

Manchester, MichiganOct 01, 20070 Comments

The entire town is fair game, with very diligent enforcement of speed limits. To minutely exceed is to bleed financially. Locals obey to the letter. It’s somewhat like the knights of old, armed with mace(s), galloping at full speed, to defend the king’s castles.

Austin Road

Manchester, MichiganJan 05, 20060 Comments

Austin road thru to Bridgewater Township. Wash. Cty. Sheriff patrol frequently and hide very well behind buidings near Bridgewater and in rural driveways. They will have no lights on! Do the speed limit they will nab you everytime.

Main Street

Manchester, MichiganMar 13, 20030 Comments

Not truly a trap,however the enforcement is aggressive. I don’t believe anyone has ever talked their way out of a ticket here. The speed limit (well posted) through town is 25 MPH and reasonable during the day. At times of little or no traffic, you will be nailed for even 5 over. Enforced by local PD or occasionally Washtenaw County Sheriff.

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