Ortonville, Michigan Speed Traps

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Hummer Lake Rd/Mill St.

Ortonville, MichiganMar 11, 20110 Comments

When driving west on Hummer Lake it turns into Mills St. As you go down the hill towards town, just before the four way stop there is often a cop sitting off to the right in an open field. Speed limit is 25 coming down the hill. You need to ride your brakes on the hill.

Oakwood Road Brandon Township East of M-15

Ortonville, MichiganMar 16, 20100 Comments

Oakland county sherrif sitting in appartment complex, speed limit is 55 Mph then changes to 35 Mph signs are not very well posted and are easly un-noticed. Appartment complex is at speed change making slow down near impossible.

oakwood Road near brandon hills Trail

Ortonville, MichiganAug 15, 20080 Comments

The oakland county sheriff car sits in an apartment complex on south side of road 100 ft off road pointed east. The speed limit drops from 55 to 35 in this area. Oakwood rd. westbound in this stretch is all downhill so monitor your speed carefully.

Oakwood Road near Church Street

Ortonville, MichiganMar 09, 20050 Comments

The speed limit is 45mph on Oakwood execpt in Ortonville Village. There is one warning and one 35mph sign they are very close togeather and easy to miss. Tickets issued at 38mph.

Oakwood rd, just east of M-15 just outside of village

Ortonville, MichiganAug 07, 20020 Comments

the speed limit dips rapidly, not enough time to recover if going to fast.

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