Rockford, Michigan Speed Traps

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10 Mile Between Wolven And US-131

Rockford, MichiganJul 07, 20101 Comments

Kent county sits across from the life church if ur heading west before meijer and east if your heading into rockford.

Wolverine Blvd and 11 Mile Rd

Rockford, MichiganMay 20, 20100 Comments

The City Police sit on the East side of the road on a small road or drive and watch for people speeding northbound or that run the light.

US HWY131 near Comstock Park

Rockford, MichiganMar 18, 20100 Comments

State Police set up near Fifth Third ballpark setup so they can get you north or south. keep it under 80 and you should be ok

Beltline just south of Belding

Rockford, MichiganMar 18, 20100 Comments

Kent Sheriff’s sometimes sit monitoring speeds going south on the Beltline.

10 mile Road near east bound into town

Rockford, MichiganAug 13, 20072 Comments

speed limit drops while decending grade into rockford. speed limit goes from 55 to 45, and then very shortly to 35. state police as well as rockford police regularly set a trap. actually ALL of rockford is a speed trap!

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