Roscommon, Michigan Speed Traps

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East of Cut River on County Rd 100

Roscommon, MichiganJul 20, 20150 Comments

Speed changes from unidentified to 45.

State Highway M-55 near Bachus Twp Park

Roscommon, MichiganJan 04, 20080 Comments

Cops sit in the Bachus Twp Park, on the north side of M-55, watching the highway. Also they sit back in a couple little two tracks off the road. Straight road. Nothing but forest on either side. 55 speed limit. Traffic coming off I-75 heading West tends to drive 65 or more. Watch out! I often see them with someone pulled over along that stretch.

Interstate I-75 near Exit Number 222

Roscommon, MichiganJan 03, 20081 Comments

There is ALWAYS a trooper near this exit. He will ticket any vehicles that exceed 82mph.

Interstate 75 near 9 Mile Hill

Roscommon, MichiganNov 24, 20060 Comments

state police sitting in emergency cross over shooting radar at north bound traffice coming up hill, 9 mile hill location.

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