Rose City, Michigan Speed Traps
South of Rose City, MI on M 33
Ogemaw Heights School area. South of Rose City, MI on M 33. Especially during the school hours. Double the fine in the school area
Coming into town from the north and the south
Speed limit drops from 55 to 40 and then again to 30 closer to the traffic light.
Friday and Sunday are the busiest days for tickets being issued.
Watch your speed and avoid an unnecessary citation.
State Highway 33 near Rose City Road
Local city/county cops running k band radar in Rose City on various roads. Rarely running ka band but has been seen. Watch the local Rose City pd, their Decator unit has been known to give reading off of the fan which is a violation by law, but they don’t care about how radar is "supposed" to be operated. Maybe it’s time for another class on how to properly operate a radar gun.