Roseville, Michigan Speed Traps
12 Mile Rd between 94 and Gratiot.
The cop hides behind the Mt Clemens medical building on an angle facing West bound traffic. They are always pulling over motorist around the Apartment complex.
Groveland between 11 and 12 Mile
It’s 25 mph, residential, and they love to sit with their radar on this street!
Masonic Blvd. from Groesbeck Hwy. to Gratiot Ave.
The speed limit is 30mph. I see someone pulled over nearly every day! Police hide in the factories near Groesbeck Hwy., the 7-11 and at the Macomb Mall near Gratiot Ave.
Hayes Road near between 696 and 10 mile Road
25 mph down Hayes Road, cop will sit between 696 service drive and frazho(10 1/2 mile) great trap. But should be 25 mph.
Martin Road near Maple Street
Cop or Cops sit in the church parking lot at Martin and maple checking speed of drivers in both directions on Martin this is a good spot you cannot see them until they have you clocked the speed limit is 30mph do not exceed this speed anywhere on Martin or you will get a ticket!