Saugatuck, Michigan Speed Traps

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State Highway Blue Star near Just north of US Highway 196

Saugatuck, MichiganApr 01, 20070 Comments

The Blue Star Highway between the Kalamazoo River Bridge and the southern entrance to 196. Watch Out!

Leaving town from the Historic Shopping District enroute to I-196

Saugatuck, MichiganJul 26, 20020 Comments

They usually sit and wait either on the bridge over the River facing exiting traffice so lights do not reflect off of their police decals, and almost to the entrance to I-196 sitting the same way. They do keep a close eye on speeders and the Speed Limit through this area is 35 MPH. It is not unreasonable since there is a lot of traffic most of the year, but especially in the Spring and Summer until labor day. They do keep traffic under control, and you hardly ever see anyone stopped for speeding, or drunk driving. My one experience was one late night on a Saturday on our way back To South Bend-our home-I was doing 48 in the 35 on a foggy night. I was stopped by the one who sits near the I-196 entrance. He was very polite, and asked where we were headed and I told him home after an enjoyable day, and he asked if I knew that their speed linit in town was 35, and I said no. He also asked if we were gonna stop somewhere for the night, and I said just going home since it is only about an hour and 15 minutes away. I was luckily sober, and that is a very good practice since they would not tolerate anything else. We were told to be careful and have a safe trip home. I thanked him and we were on our way at the speed limit and ever since that day when we arrive there, the cruise is set at 35 and we enetr town, and wen leaving town also. So, beware and you will be Ok. remember 35 in town.

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