Scio Township, Michigan Speed Traps
Huron River Dr at W Greenook Dr (Loch Alpine entrance)
Usually will find black SUV running speed trap at this location. SUV parks well off road on Greenook, catching vehicles either direction on Huron River Dr. Front and back radar antennas, operating Ka band. 35 MPH limit
Should consider all of Huron River Dr. a speed trap with numerous spots to hide in brush or a hidden drive.
Interstate 94 near Zeeb Road
State Police usually have 3 plus cars out enforcing the speed along I-94 in the area of zeeb to Baker Rd and sometime futher.Scot
Huron River Drive near Zeeb Road
A favorite speed trap location on Huron River Dr. is the driveway into the Detroit Edison(DTE)electric substation ,about 500 Fort east of Zeeb Rd. Sheriff’s cars pull well into driveway, hidden by bushes, running radar and catching the unsuspected. This is one of the favorite speed trap locations in the township. Be wary of the entire length of Huron River Dr, a source of many tickets.
Huron River Dr., near Huron River bridge
One of Scio Township’s major revenue generators is Huron River Dr., with its numerous curves and grade changes, difficult to hold a steady speed. The Washtenaw County Sheriff’s Department has a spot that is used just about daily to hand out a steady stream of tickets. Parked well in the bushes considerably off the road’s shoulder on the north side of Huron River Dr., about 0.1 mile east of the bridge, watch out for a white Crown Vic. or the real sleeper, a white Ford Econoline. Expect to get hit with a burst of K or Ka-band radar. After the deputy takes the speed reading, he/she swings out of the bushes to chase their prey for a hefty contribution to the township and county.