St. Ignace, Michigan Speed Traps

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US 2 from I-75 west to Cheeseman Road

St. Ignace, MichiganMar 14, 20130 Comments

This 6-7 mile stretch holds many places for officers to hide and pick off unsuspecting motorists. They are here every day. Two scenic turnoffs and many unused driveways. Speed limit 55.

west us-2

St. Ignace, MichiganJan 17, 20110 Comments

sherrif sits in truckstop parking lot and all along the first 2 miles west us-2

US Highway

St. Ignace, MichiganDec 15, 20070 Comments

As you travel east on US 2, entering the City of St.Ignace, you go down a hill and around a curve. The speed limit drops from 45 to 35 to 25 in a very short distance. There is usually a police car parked in the public parking lot between the lake and the street at the bottom of the hill, pointed west, using radar. Because of the lanes switching from two to one, and the hill (decline), and the rapid rate of speed reductions, there are a lot of speeding difficulties.

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