Waterford, Michigan Speed Traps

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Walton Boulevard near Mason School

Waterford, MichiganJun 07, 20070 Comments

In both directions of Mason Middle School on Walton, east of Sahabaw. A Waterford police car will sit in the darkened area on either side of the road, in a black car and is very difficult to see. I think they use radar. They are there frequently but for sure on the week-end.

US Highway 24 near Shoreline Boulevard

Waterford, MichiganMay 24, 20070 Comments

Officer sits at the Antique Emporium (west side of Dixie between Belle Tire and Kmart), usually late night on Friday and Saturday facing northbound, there is an elevation change so he is sitting lower than the oncoming southbound vehicles and you never see him until it’s too late.

State Highway 59 near Telegraph Road

Waterford, MichiganJan 27, 20070 Comments

As you pass Voorheis Rd going East on M-59 the speed limit drops from 45 to 35. The cop usually sits near Hero’s bar and nails people. This is usually done in the early morning pre-rush hour like 5am-6:30am.

State Highway 59 near Telegraph Road

Waterford, MichiganNov 21, 20060 Comments

Waterford police and the sheriffs sit waiting for you in the army/navy shop and the bank across the street. the speed limit is 35, which is too slow for a 5 lane highway. they hide next to buildings and signs and bounce on you as you drive through out of pontiac.

Telegraph Road near In front of Oakland County Complex

Waterford, MichiganJun 30, 20060 Comments

Parked on E side of telegraph about where courthouse is, lights out, early AM 4-6. Not always there but seems to go in streaks (maybe on rotating shift). Hard to see when going southbound, road curves and rises. He also sits just south of county drive on telegraph before Red Lobster restaurant entrance.

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