Braham, Minnesota Speed Traps

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State Route 107 near State Highway 107

Braham, MinnesotaJan 13, 20050 Comments

I have listed this as high enforcemant, not that there isn’t a problem with speeding through Braham, but when 500 tickets are written in one month, I would consider that high enforcement.
They sit on various places in town, sometimes at the bank, or the gas station, bowling alley, just about any place. I’ve even seen them on the shoulder (on the right of way) of Hwy 107 on the way into town from hwy 65 at night, with all their lights off. I would say 6 mph over will get you a ticket, and a head light out at night will get you stopped for sure. I go through town at 25mph, and even then I’ve gotten followed all the way home. Twenty five years ago it wasn’t this way.

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