Cannon Falls, Minnesota Speed Traps

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Hwy 19 heading west

Cannon Falls, MinnesotaJun 20, 20101 Comments

Town ends after the Cannon River, 40m.p.h until much later. People allow unmarked squads to hide in their driveway. i recommend avoiding this town if possible. apparently they need more revenue

US Highway 52 near State Highway 19

Cannon Falls, MinnesotaDec 05, 20061 Comments

Cannon Falls PD and State Troopers South of Hwy. 19 overpass. S/L drops from 65 to 55 before town.

US Highway 52

Cannon Falls, MinnesotaFeb 17, 20061 Comments

10 Minutes South of Cannon Falls on Hwy 52 is a Photo laser speed trap.

US Highway 52 near State Route 24/ 19

Cannon Falls, MinnesotaApr 17, 20052 Comments

Between the traffic lights on 52 and Highway 19 Cannon Falls has annexed this section of highway for revenue enhancement, I really didn’t care until tonight a Vet got a ticket close to midnight, my thought is you give a Vet Nam Vet a little slack for what he went through for this country.

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