Champlin, Minnesota Speed Traps

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US Highway 169 near West River Road

Champlin, MinnesotaMay 18, 20070 Comments

Police sit on the center median between of 169 Dayton Rd and West River Rd (the actual cross street is Dowlin St. N). The speed limit is 35, over 40 mph and you will most likely be ticketed.

Dayton River Road near US Highway 169

Champlin, MinnesotaMay 12, 20060 Comments

Dayton River Road between highway 169 and county rd. 144 in Dayton. The speed limit chages often. Coming from hwy. 169 speed is 30mph then to 40 and once again to 50mph. I see Champlin cops there ALL THE TIME in the afternoon. there is lots of side streets for police to hide on. I see them about 3-4 times out of the week (M-F) going to work. And ussally has someone pulled over.

117th Street near US Highway 169

Champlin, MinnesotaFeb 17, 20040 Comments

Beware The Champlin Police set up speed traps on 117th & 169 all the time the trick they play is at night as you are approchiong the stop light at 169 the cops sit with their lights off on the side of the road and will get you for going 1MPH over 30 (Champlin police need to inforce Red light runners on 169 and relax a little.

US Highway 169 near 101st Avenue

Champlin, MinnesotaFeb 06, 20040 Comments

Unmarked squad sits in the median between 101st Ave No and 109th Ave No. Instead of so many speed traps why don’t the Champlin police concentrate their efforts on cars that run the red lights at the major stoplights from Champlin to the Anoka border. Specifically 109th, 114th and 120th.

Highway 169 & Dayton Road, just south of the Ferry Bridge

Champlin, MinnesotaJul 01, 20030 Comments

A real Champlin female "Peace? Officer" honestly told me they use that area as a speed trap. Due to the inconsistancy of traffic signs, as far as the speed limit and the location of the sign, there is a high possibility YOU will be trapped. Please don’t help the deficit, we already have too many officers with nothing to do. $115.00 tickets add up!

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