Champlin, Minnesota Speed Traps

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between Hwy 169 & 109th Ave on Elm Creek Blvd

Champlin, MinnesotaJun 19, 20030 Comments

On elm Creek the park and radar regularly! Watch out, it is 30MPH because it is a parkway not a highway so they ticket many flying down parkway!

Dayton Road (C.R. 12) 1/2 Mi. W. of Hwy. 169

Champlin, MinnesotaJun 18, 20030 Comments

Police set up on side streets with chase cars

Dayton Road

Champlin, MinnesotaJun 18, 20030 Comments

The police are hiding in the bushes… the entire length of road from downtown Dayton to 169. I have personally received 4 tickets on this road, one of them for going 2 MPH over the speed limit.

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