Dayton, Minnesota Speed Traps

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144 Road near Dayon River Road

Dayton, MinnesotaMay 12, 20060 Comments

It is very constantly patroled county road 144 (The whole strech of road between hwy 101 in Rogers and all the way to Daton where it will turn into Dayton river road) It’s a 50mph zone (STRONGLEY SUGGEST THE LIMIT) The cops like to sit on the shoulders on both sides. And just on the back side of the hills (many hills and other spots police can hide)along with side streets. I see them both going and coming home from work. (afternoon and early am) about 3-5 days out of the week.

Dayton River Rd. at Crow River Bridge

Dayton, MinnesotaJun 18, 20030 Comments

Trap targets primarily NW-bound traffic in 30 MPH zone thorough downtown Dayton. Officer usually parks by Crow River bridge near entrance to public river access. Make sure you slow down by the time you get to the Dayton Post Office.

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