Jordon, Minnesota Speed Traps

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highway 169 @ 282 and also 21

Jordon, MinnesotaAug 04, 20030 Comments

The officers sit in driveways or very hidden with there lights off durung the night witch is not legal all law enforcment are at least supposed to have at least one light on or have to be slight seen. there is a state law against it but they will tell you its not. many officers brake it and are breaking the law in many areas. i hope this time this gets posted jordon needs to get there heads out of there ****

highway 169 @

Jordon, MinnesotaJul 30, 20030 Comments

Backed up into old roads outside of town The comment that was given to me was that the k-9 officer said to his partner that the state patrol captin gave him permision to clock anyone outside of the radios of the jordon area. They will get you for going over 55 throught the main 169 corridour in jordon don’t give them the any bull because they don’t listen. They hide on the bridge,on the on and off ramps into town that there favorite spot. there is a suv and a regular marked car the suv is the k-9 car and the other is the able car they will follow you al least 3 miles out of town each way so don’t speed. not including the other drages out of town. I’m a fed up driver that thinks that the jordon cops need to use there time more afficent that pulling people over that do’nt have luxery cars. They seem to leave those people alone. i’ve sat and watched them fly through 169 on the jordon side and they just look the other way. but if a person with a less that a attrative car if its better suites them they floor it and go after them.

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