Lindstrom, Minnesota Speed Traps

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Olinda Trail Road near The High School

Lindstrom, MinnesotaJul 27, 20060 Comments

Most people that live in this area know this, but during the school year, cops will sit on the side of the road about 1/4 of a mile north of the high school on either side of the road, and pick off cars, one after the other. They are most frequently out before and after school. (6:30AM-7:45AM) and (2:15PM-3:00PM) They will pull you over for just about anything. I had a friend who got a 110$ ticket for driving without his lights on during a 10 second sprinkling of rain. Pretty much watch your speed anywhere in the Chisago-Lindstrom-Center City-Shafer-Taylors Falls area. They are everywhere and are out to get you. P.S: Never speed on highway 8!

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