Monticello, Minnesota Speed Traps

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713 to 255 East Broadway Street near State Highway 25

Monticello, MinnesotaApr 19, 20080 Comments

County cops line up to 4 squads in a row just when your about to go down hill and they pull you over 1 right after the other like a conveyer line. Sometimes you will see more then 3 people pulled over within 4 blocks

State Highway 25 near ctty rd 11 Crossing

Monticello, MinnesotaMar 27, 20060 Comments

they are nailing people coming north on 25 over the bridge- they troopers sit in church lot and run out – foir about three weeks now- 4- 5 troopers

Interstate 94 near Exit Number 193

Monticello, MinnesotaMar 17, 20050 Comments

High level of enforcement recently by the State Patrol. Many times there are multiple patrol cars working together. I see them in the morning as I head west through Monticello and in the evening as I head east. They are generally targetting traffic heading in the opposite direction as a normal Twin Cities commute. The most common place to see them is the under the first bridge west of the Monticello exit, but they also sit at a turn-around east of Monticello occasionally as well.

I typically come through with the cruise set at 74 (4 over the limit), and have had no trouble.

I-94 from Hennepin county to St Cloud

Monticello, MinnesotaMay 28, 20020 Comments

Highway patrol is constantly working this area late at night. Usually are sitting in crossovers with headlights on so are pretty easy to spot.

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