Chaffee, Missouri Speed Traps

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US Highway 77 near helen Street

Chaffee, MissouriApr 19, 20080 Comments

hiding from cars coming into town

North of Chaffee on State Highway 77

Chaffee, MissouriJul 01, 20010 Comments

As you are coming into Chaffee from Bloomyer; a cop was waiting behind the bridge just before Helen St. He didn’t pull in over; I was prob. going 5 miles over the limit.

State Route A or Yoakum Ave

Chaffee, MissouriMay 01, 20010 Comments

The Chaffee Police Department sets radar up hiding behind the shrubs at the old closed down Chaffee General Hospital. anything over 20 mph will result in a ticket. this is a school zone also, they never set there during the day they are always there late at night when there is no school in session. all other towns in southeast missouri has the speed reduced only during certain school hours or a flashing light system during peek traffic school hours. Not Chaffee, they has insisted that the speed limit be 20mph here for years, and has finally won over the state. the state had the highway posted at 35mph for years.

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