Dardenne Prairie, Missouri Speed Traps
Dardenne Prairie
Dardenne Prairie contracts police service with St. Charles County Police. In order to pay for the service, the county police need to write sufficient tickets into Dardenne Prairie municipal court to pay for the contract. Each day, numerous tickets are written on Fiese Road Henning Road, etc. Slow down or prepare to pay.
All up & Down Highway N
The City of Dardenne Prairie contracts police svc with County Sheriff. Deputies sit along Highway N basically 20-24 hours a day. they hide in spots where they are completely concealed and spots where it’s obvious. At night is when most get caught. They park their cars in turn-in’s near the Catholic church or sits on N in complete darkness near Delmar Gardens. Watch your speed at all times while in this city. Even if there are no cops in sight, anticipate it.
Feise Road (west of Bryan Rd)
LEO sits in parking lot of child day care center ~1/4 mile from Bryan Road. There is a small hill that conceals his car to those traveling west on Feise, but he is able to clock traffic from both directions. The speed limit here is 35mph which feels a little slow for the part of Feise that you are on.
Hanley Road near Feise Road
St. Charles County Sheriff usually sits in the parking lot of city hall looking for speeders either north or southbound. Deputy even followed a mom dropping off kids at the Catholic school onto the parking lot of the school to issue the ticket.
Henning Road near Weldon Spring Road
If you are heading south on Henning Road towards Weldon Spring, just as you pass Barathaven Blvd, the road curves to the leFort Just after the curve, on the left hand side there is a gravel parking lot. On weekday mornings there is often a St. Charles County Sheriff car parked there to catch speeders. I think the speed limit is 35 MPH but it is easy to go faster than that and not know that you are breaking the speed limit. I’ve been caught there twice by the same officer. BE CAREFUL!