Excelsior Springs, Missouri Speed Traps

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US Highway 10 near State Route y

Excelsior Springs, MissouriDec 14, 20070 Comments

They like to sit at the east end of Excelsior. Either on north or south side of Hwy 10. Speed limit is 30.

US Highway 10 near US Highway 69

Excelsior Springs, MissouriJan 27, 20040 Comments

the cops WILL SIT IN THE Cemetary Just north of 10 hwy and run radar on traffic coming in and leaving the west side of the city limits.

69hwy N

Excelsior Springs, MissouriApr 01, 20010 Comments

County and state are setting a trap were one day you dont see any law enforcers but then the next day they will try and do any thing they can to catch anyone that they can going 4 or more over the speed limit.

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