Gerald, Missouri Speed Traps

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Highway Y in front of Countryside Manor

Gerald, MissouriAug 29, 20110 Comments

A police car will be sitting along the side of the road in front of Countryside Manor Apartments, or in the driveway to the Lion’s Hall. He is at the top of a hill, and hard to see until it is too late. The speed limit is 30MPH, and at times is strictly enforced. (depends on the officer) They have been known to write a ticket for 34MPH.

East side of town Hwy 50

Gerald, MissouriApr 19, 20100 Comments

They have begun to sit in Cutters Edge parking lot, right on the road backed up against the bank of Subways yard which hides them well

West side of town on 50 across from elementary school

Gerald, MissouriMar 19, 20100 Comments

The local police like to setup across from the elementary in the mornings to catch people who missed the drop in speed when the sign is flashing. Looks mostly for people entering town from the east on Hwy 50.

US Highway 50 near State Highway H

Gerald, MissouriJul 08, 20080 Comments

Sits at the cathloic church parking lot hidden by trees

State Highway 50 near City Limit Sign

Gerald, MissouriJun 04, 20050 Comments

City policemen set up trap just inside city limits and arrest people who don’t get their speed down before they pass the city limit sign.

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