Kimberling City, Missouri Speed Traps

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State Highway 13 near State Highway

Kimberling City, MissouriOct 29, 20070 Comments

There are 2 parts, one is 30 MPH, then increases to 45 MPH
They will ticket you for even a couple of miles over either one of these speeds.

State Highway 13 near State Highway 76

Kimberling City, MissouriSep 21, 20070 Comments

Definately go the speed limit from Branson West, Mo to Kimberling City, Mo. Kimberling City is very well known for having numerous police officers on duty especially at night and during tourist season. Watch out and do not drink and drive!

State Highway 13

Kimberling City, MissouriSep 13, 20031 Comments

There is a mile long hill going into Kimberling City. One has to constantly ride the brake to keep it at 35. This is a major highway and a long stretch.The police constantly watch this area and will stop you for most anything.Speeding tickets are freely handed out.

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