Pleasant Valley, Missouri Speed Traps

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Pleasant Valley Road near Interstate 35

Pleasant Valley, MissouriJun 23, 20070 Comments

Officer’s sit in their car at the top of the hill just West of the QT truckstop near I-35 and Pleasant Valley road in the fire station parking lot, or sometimes right across the street from the fire station. It is a 25 mile zone.

There is another one also near I-35 just North of the QT truck stop on Church Road (which is kind of an outer road running along side of I-35). They usually sit on Orchard road enforcing a 35 mile per hour zone that turns into a 45 mile zone (so if you are headed south on church road from Liberty, be sure to slow down to 35!)

Pleasant Valley Road near Interstate 35

Pleasant Valley, MissouriJan 17, 20040 Comments

Pleasant Valley police officers patrol Pleasant Valley road going east to Liberty Drive in Liberty. They sit at the side of the road south of QuikTrip, and also on the east side of I-35 at the Texaco station. There are 2 25mph zones
interspersed with 35 mph zones. Very confusing, and a TRAP

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