Raymore, Missouri Speed Traps

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Sunset Lane near Town Center Drive

Raymore, MissouriApr 08, 20080 Comments

After heading south on Sunset Lane from MO Highway 58, there is a long downhill posted 25 mph. Cops like to sit at the base of the hill from the time school gets out (about 3) until after 5. I’ve seen one cop pull over 5 or more in front of our house in one 2-hour time period. I also think that area is easy for the cop to do his paper work because that street is less than 2 blocks from city hall.

155th County Line Road Street near Peterson Street

Raymore, MissouriSep 23, 20070 Comments

Officers will sit in the private property Lake of Lake Creek moor parking lot and meet with other officers while shooting radar. The speed limit is set at 35mph, vehicles traveling east bound will gain speed while proceeding down hill approaching Peterson road and cruzing at 45-50mph. Officers will work North Madison Street at the same time in the Am and PM periods.

State Highway 58 near Madison Street

Raymore, MissouriAug 20, 20070 Comments

This is a relay trap. One officer clocks cars with Radar or other technology, and another chases down aledged speeders and writes tickets. We learned that our GREEN van is actually BLUE! When we pointed out that our van was GREEN and that we had been passed by a BLUE van, he said "Whatever" and gave us the ticket anyway which said our van is BLUE!

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