Reno, Missouri Speed Traps

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Red Rock Road near Silver Knolls Volunteer Fire Dept.

Reno, MissouriAug 28, 20070 Comments

When driving north on Red Rock Road, note the Silver Knolls Volunteer Fire Dept marqee on your right. You are driving 40 MPH. Right after you pass the Fire Dept. it drops to 25 MPH. Look for the 25MPH sign ahead. When driving south on Red Rock Road, note the second Red Rock Fire Dept. location. This on is on your right. You are driving 50 MPH, as you approach to 25 MPH. Look for the 25MPH sign ahead. Reno PD in cars on side streets, or a motorcycle officer in someones driveway on Red Rock Road (usually hidden by foliage).

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