Richland, Missouri Speed Traps

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all along south hwy 133 between richland and interstate 44

Richland, MissouriFeb 18, 20110 Comments

this 6 mile stretch of highway is relatively new, straight, and smooth..though it is a very safe stretch of road, it gets daily state patrol attention..the other hwy out of richland is very curvy, dangerous, and routinely has crashes , many fatal, but gets no attention…because it’s actually hard to speed on..(it’s hwy 7)the easy pickings on hwy 133 catch people on their way to work or back because these people have paychecks they can libertate ..DISGUSTING…and these officers want our respect??? fat chance

Jefferson by the Park

Richland, MissouriDec 21, 20090 Comments

Backed off the roadway by the landing zone for the air ambulance. It is 35mph and they gave me a ticket for doing 6 over.

State Route Hyw 7 near main drag thru the town

Richland, MissouriJul 27, 20080 Comments

limit drops from 55 to 45 to 35 to 25mph in about 200 feet increments

State Highway 133 near Interstate I44

Richland, MissouriNov 07, 20050 Comments

Coming from 133 speed traps will start anywere in city limits of Richland. be very careful.

State Highway A Highway

Richland, MissouriSep 20, 20050 Comments

any side road as you enter city limits. Please be Careful.

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