Troy, Missouri Speed Traps

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Old Moscow Mills Road

Troy, MissouriMay 14, 20100 Comments

Mainly the city officers sit in the Weston Estates subdivision and run radar for cars southbound on old moscow mills road which is the outer road off of South Lincoln just before it intersects with Highway 61. They have let me out of a couple of sizable tickets however, they are routinely there.

US Highway 61 near Road Construction

Troy, MissouriMar 13, 20070 Comments

This is a 45 MPH work zone, they monitor this area just about 24/7 they will pull you over at any speed above 48 upon passing them. If you are still at 65 and you see them just slow down, if you hit 48 when you get to them you’ll be fine…They are mostly concerned about w/z safety

South Main Street near City Limits

Troy, MissouriMar 09, 20071 Comments

Be careful going into Troy coming from U. As you enter town it becomes S Main Street and the speed limit drops to 30 mph with two big hills. It is real easy to roll down these hills past 30 mph after coming off the 55 mph U and cops hide in the parking lots in the dark shadows.

Interstate 61 near Past Troy Exit

Troy, MissouriApr 23, 20061 Comments

Troy Police are watching southbound 61 traffic only when you pass the Troy exit there is a cop in a parking lot with no close access to the highway, he is only doing radar and he radios to other cops and they pull the speeders over further down. When I passed through there there were 2 Crowns with someone pulled over and there was an Impala waiting to catch someone and then of course the cop only doing radar. So when coming through hre go the Speed Limit 65.

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