Helena, Montana Speed Traps
State Highway 12 West near Right by Broadwater Health Club
Speed zone goes from 70 to 55 with no gradual decrease in speed. Not sure where they are hiding; too much foliage. New patrolman on route and more than happy to hand out tickets.
Benton Avenue near Euclid Avenue
As you drive by Carroll College North on Benton, down hill it is 25 mph the goes to 35 mph at railroad track. Patrolmen sit on side street to catch you speeding up as you approach the 35 or if you don’t slow to 25 mph as you come out of the 35 mph zone.
Hwy 12
No win deal. The officer guns you as you approach town in a 70mph zone, and then follows you into the 45mph zone. The speed limit is actually 70 in the city limits, then drops to 45. No one can cut speed fast enough. To add insult to injury, the policeman coded the ticket as reckless driving. I found out months later when my insurance premium increased $700/yr. I finally got it corrected to speeding again.