Wendover, Nevada Speed Traps

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Alt Hwy 93, just South of Wendover Blvd

Wendover, NevadaNov 25, 20240 Comments

Stopping out-of-state cars, one after another after another, for “speeding,” when they are not speeding. Our group had several cars headed through, and were aware of a trap, so were driving slow. A couple got stopped and ticketed anyway. They didn’t stop anyone who had a dash cam.

Straight stretch between Wendover and Elko, NV

Wendover, NevadaAug 16, 20120 Comments

Setup with orange barrels off to each side of the road similar to construction site. No workers, no construction, speed limit 75 mph, suddenly switched to 55 mph (one sign..no additional signs)then speed sign switched back to 75 mph.
Highway patrol car sitting in media just past 55 mph sign.
Locals in Wendover said no construction out there in a long time.
Vehicle comes by blocking 55 mph sign…driver didn’t even see sign. CDL driver ticketed for 65 mph. Points on his record, company took drivers bonus. No tickets on record in prior three years. One attorney in Wendover. Attorney does not handle traffic citations. Not able to find an attorney in Elko that would take traffic citation case.

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