Bedford, New Hampshire Speed Traps

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Route 101 Near Wallace Road

Bedford, New HampshireMay 19, 20100 Comments

Speed limit is 40 MPH through the whole area – as you leave traffic congestion heading west you may want to speed up, but hold it @ 40 MPH – there is a patrol car at the top of the hill in one of the parking lots on the left OR hidden on the utility road next to the highway. Always present during the afternoon commute.

New Boston Rd, near Wallace Road Crossing

Bedford, New HampshireMay 19, 20100 Comments

Between Riddle Brook Elementary School & intersection with Wallace Road – patrol cars park near the skate park. Speed limit is 30-35 MPH, and 20-25 MPH when school light is flashing. Frequently there during morning commute.

State Highway 3/South River Road near Technology Drive

Bedford, New HampshireOct 15, 20080 Comments

Less than a hundred feet north of the South River Road/Technology Drive intersection (Where Mark’s Showplace is), there’s a small hill. At the top of this hill is a dirt road on the right side if you’re going north (it’s on the same side as the gas station). Usually during rush hour (morning and afternoon) there’s a speed trap there. Because of the trees and the hill, you usually can’t see it until you’re at the top of the hill, so watch out!

South River Street

Bedford, New HampshireOct 15, 20080 Comments

Pretty much the entire strip of road from Target north to Macy’s is one big speed trap. Police cars are stationed in at least one of the lots pretty much 24/7 and the location changes daily. The speed limit here is 30MPH (on a five lane road) and everyone drives roughly 45MPH. Often times there are police cars patrolling who will check your speed while driving in the opposite direction of you.

South River Road near dunkin donuts

Bedford, New HampshireSep 24, 20040 Comments

Always patroled by police and bikes.

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