Bow, New Hampshire Speed Traps

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Median of 93 between Hooksett Tolls and 89

Bow, New HampshireDec 23, 20110 Comments

You may think there is no place to hide on the jersey barrier median section of 93, but State Police cruisers sit at night, lights off, in the few gaps, only a few feet from traffic. As they show no lights, they deter no speeding. Nor in all honesty have I seen anyone pulled over, but forewarned is forearmed.

Route 3A

Bow, New HampshireFeb 20, 20110 Comments

Bow Police park in the lot of the business across from Sullivan tire and the Turnpike rest area. They can nail people doing over the posted 40mph heading north down the hill. You can also find them at Champny’s, at the flat area next to Audley’s, across from the stone sign directing you to the industrial parks, near the top of the hill at the south end of 3A where it is 35mph, at the Blue Seal Feeds and the traffic light, or waiting in one of the entrances to the new car lots.

Bow Bog Road near Allen Road

Bow, New HampshireJan 21, 20080 Comments

At the bottom of a long downhill in both directions. Radar also used in moving squads any time of day or night.

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