Goffstown, New Hampshire Speed Traps

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Mast Road near Kelley Street Bridge Road

Goffstown, New HampshireFeb 19, 20080 Comments

Goffstown Police will set about 15ft off the road where Kelley Street meets Mast Rd. On the Goffstown side. They shut there headlights off and leave there oranges on. They cant be seen from either direction when traveling on Mast rd.

State Route 114 near St. Anselm’s Drive

Goffstown, New HampshireSep 11, 20070 Comments

Patrol car in breakdown lane with lights off.

Big Jane’s Lane near Elm Street

Goffstown, New HampshireSep 11, 20070 Comments

Patrol car may be at either end of Big Jane’s Lane facing Elm Street.

Goffstown Back Road near Cemetery

Goffstown, New HampshireJul 31, 20070 Comments

Police cars are alwys back here night or day. Always drive the speed limit on the Back Road !

Elm Street near Glen Lake

Goffstown, New HampshireJul 23, 20070 Comments

As you travel towards Manchester on Elm St (which becomes Goffstown back Rd) once you pass Glen Lake.. There is a little rd to the left where they sit. This road is right before a sharp turn to the leFort.

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