East Windsor, New Jersey Speed Traps

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Red Light camera at both sides of Rt 130 and Dutch Neck Road

East Windsor, New JerseyApr 03, 20120 Comments

The cameras were installed recently and it flashes pretty brightly especially at night time. It almost is a distraction when you’re driving through the intersection on Dutch Neck Road. I don’t know if the camera flashes only when it perceives a violation or it takes a picture as soon as the light turns red on Rt 130. Either way it’s a hassle. I live off of Dutch Neck and don’t know when the violation notice is going to show up in my mailbox.

Dorchester at Exeter Road, Exeter Court

East Windsor, New JerseyJan 08, 20100 Comments

The 35 mph speed on Dorchester from Old Trenton Road by the strip mall drops to 25 mph at the bridge just past the apartments as you enter the residential area. The street, however, remains nice and wide and it seems the street should be 35 mph as it is on Dutch Neck, which bissects the road. The police hide on the inside of the curve just past the top of the small incline up from the bridge, near Exeter Court.

Hankins Road near State Highway Rt 130

East Windsor, New JerseyFeb 17, 20080 Comments

Between Rt 130 and Bend in road near bridge, sit on side of road ,farmers club driveway or in residents driveways w/handheld units its 30 mph zone

State Route 133 East/West near NJ Turnpike Overpass

East Windsor, New JerseyJun 24, 20071 Comments

Heavy speed enforcement area, 50 mph zone on an expressway, can’t see the police cars sitting in the middle of the expressway on the grass until it’s too late.

State Highway 133 near State Highway 33

East Windsor, New JerseyJun 14, 20042 Comments

This road (route 133) was built for through traffic on route 33 to bypass Hightstown. It appears that the design speed for this relatively short section of highway was about 70 mph. The posted speed is 50 mph even though it is a limited access divided highway with no cross streets and only two exit/entrance ramps (one in each direction). The posted speed on route 33 (from which westbound traffic exits onto rt. 133)is 55 mph even though it has much cross traffic, many traffic lights and many driveways. The natural tendency is for drivers to speed up, not slow down, when they get on this road because of its relatively high speed design. The sole purpose of the 50 mph speed limit is to enhance the coffers of the local community and help the local police "make quota".

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