Elmwood Park, New Jersey Speed Traps

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Broadway, between Elmwood Park and Fairlawn, New Jersey

Elmwood Park, New JerseyMar 25, 20200 Comments

ELMWOOD POLICE DEPARTMENT AND FAIRLAWN NJ POLICE DEPARTMENTS ARE STALKING PEOPLE FOR THE LAST 4 YEARS AND NOW DURING THE CORONA VIRUS OUTBREAK…..SHAMEFUL !!!!!! NEW YORK CITY ISN’T EVEN GIVING TICKETS DURING THIS SOMBER TIME WHEN MANY ARE OUT OF WORK!!! The traps begin …and there are many, police cars hiding on Broadway right after the bridge that goes over Route 20 all the way to where Broadway merges into Route 4 east there are so many police cars hiding along this route ON BOTH SIDES OF BROADWAY EAST AND WEST SIDES. Not just one but at least 10 cars in both directions !!!!!…you will see a goodwill store on your right which sometime the ELMWOOD PARK POLICE hide there without permission from the owner…on your left is the delta gas station. Immediately you are at the light, you will see a Walgreens, this is where the ELMWOOD PARK POLICE department sit waiting for speed violators. Then from Walgreens all the way until Broadway reaches Route 4, there are approx 10 – 15 cars on each side of Broadway waiting and hiding(USUALLY ALL THE TIME NOT ON TOWN ROADS THEY HIDE IN BUSINESSES WITHOUT THE BUSINESSES PERMISSION). This at a certain point turns into FAIRLAWN POLICE DEPARTMENT CARS. THIS POLICE ACTIVITY IS 24/7 ….NOT JUST AN HOUR OR TWO…BUT 24/7 !!!!

Route 4 by Pathmark

Elmwood Park, New JerseyNov 30, 20101 Comments

There often more than 5 cops sitting waiting for people coming from Paterson with expired inspection stickers.

Route 46 West exit to River Rd.

Elmwood Park, New JerseyNov 30, 20100 Comments

There are cops looking for expired inspection stickers.

Rte. 46 West by Wendy’s

Elmwood Park, New JerseyNov 13, 20100 Comments

The squad cars park on the 46 shoulder and monitor the traffic moving westbound on 46. Recently they have become relentless, particularly after dark, this is seven days a week.

State Highway Route 46 West near Meyer Street

Elmwood Park, New JerseyJul 25, 20080 Comments

Motorcycle Officer waits on the edge of Valero Gas Station by Gazebo facing oncoming Route 46 Westbound traffic. Officer uses Laser / Lidar handheld gun to measure traffic as it unmasks coming over a blind rise in the Route 46 Westbound lanes.

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