Marlboro, New Jersey Speed Traps

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Wyncrest Road near Stone Lane

Marlboro, New JerseyJan 23, 20080 Comments

Marlboro Police normally sit in the First Aid Building Parking lot. The speed limit is 40. Got pulled over here a while back for going 52.

Tennent Road near Morganville First Aid Building

Marlboro, New JerseyDec 04, 20070 Comments

A marlboro cruiser always camps out at the side of the building, I’d say 4/10 times i pass it. (it’s right by my house). The area is a small clearing, so when you see the cop it’s usually too late. Speed Limit is 40, unrealistic since its all wooded (most people go 50-60). Make sure your radar is on, as all Marlboro cops use K-Band radar.
even with radar, i usually slow to 40 just to play it safe.

State Route 9 northbound side near Rt. 520 Street

Marlboro, New JerseyAug 06, 20071 Comments

As you pull into Marlboro Plaza from Rt. 9 north, right by McDonald’s, an officer will stand with a radar gun as you exit into the shopping plaza. Many tickets have been given out here.

Church Road near Church

Marlboro, New JerseyJan 25, 20070 Comments

Church road from Tennent Road (Church Landmark) all the way to the Gordons Corner Road. Speed limit is 25 mph, residential but very well travelled road. Local PD love this area, as it always provide very high ticket harvest day or night. Enforcement is always by radar (K and Ka frequency). I personally was once ticketed for doing 30 at 3:00 am, now I never travel there without my Bell radar detecter. Saved me from new tickets numerous times!

State Route 79 near School Rd. West Crossing

Marlboro, New JerseyMay 06, 20060 Comments

In the parking lot of the Marlboro Fire Co. (just before the post office) I am highly invloved with the police department through the explorer post and can guarentee this trap. You can’t see him until its too late (is hidden by woods)

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