Paterson, New Jersey Speed Traps

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at the traffic light of Grand street and New street

Paterson, New JerseyAug 07, 20130 Comments

it seems as if its in the city of paterson where this occurs but its woodland park jurisdiction.They wait right on New street in the plastic laminating factory(red brick building, right on the sidewalk /laminating companys driveway.When you come up to the traffic light on Grand, coming from paterson he will be on your left. If you are driving from woodland park the officer will be on your right. he has his lights on and is parked on the sidewalk/ driveway part of this laminating company. they are usually there at night. the light is long and usually no cars waiting there, usually one at any given time is waiting for the light to change so…….
some may get frustrated they then go through the lite and get nailed

Chamberlain Ave to making the left on Cumberland Ave

Paterson, New JerseyJan 06, 20110 Comments

Cop with Radar gun by Crosby Ave, but on Cumberland Ave going towards Gelottis.

Park Avenue near route 20

Paterson, New JerseyMay 02, 20080 Comments

On the way to Route 20, when you are passing Eastside Park, there is an officer parked downhill pulling people over for going any speed above speed limit.

Broadway Avenue near Interstate route 4

Paterson, New JerseyApr 15, 20080 Comments

Broadway on route going to route 4 east, police park in park with radar. Being it an incline then downhill your speead will pick-up to make it up hill. police park in park behind bush and ticket you for traveling 5 mles over the speed limit coming down bradway hill.

Madison Ave towards South Paterson Avenue near Getty Avenue

Paterson, New JerseyApr 08, 20080 Comments

Officer parks the on the sidewalk and stand outside with a radar gun on top of the hill before the Dunkin Donuts.

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